''The back fill behind the wall has to be compacted as the layers are being built, preferably mixed with cement.'' What is the back fill? The...
Hi we are planning on building a pond. I have read a lot of the previous threads, but I need some advice that is more specific to my situation....
Let me go work it out again. I'm sure it should be more. He is looking very happy as opposed to his previous home in my 3ft. The brichardi and...
Let me rephrase. The thing I get will be fed what he needs. I don't expect it to live off betta turds lol Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
Hi I have a 10L tank. Maybe its little bit more. I have my betta in there as his fins started to look horrible in my community tank. I want a tank...
I would advise you to return the plecos and replace them with ancistrus. They look basically the same, but Ancistrus does not grow that big. Think...
Adding a "show fish" like a Gourami is always a great idea. Something bigger to be the main focus along with the smaller guys. I love my 2 x...
If nothing is dying why worry? Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
I was at Petstop yesterday. They have.
In my opinion that should work. Give it a go. You only have to buy noodles so you won't be wasting any money. If you dose that expensive stuff to...
Yes that's the easiest. Just hope for his sake it is able to do that.
Yes I was unsure, I though he was planning on buying the 500lph not that he already had it. Sorry my mistake :) My girlfriend runs a 60L tank with...
Depending on how often you do water changes and how stocked your tank is and how messy the fish are that you have, the amount of litres per hour...
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