Thanks yeah the ghost knife was a typo. Thet do take a long time to grow out so does the pleco I do have a lfs that normally take them if they...
My name is Gert I am from Boksburg. I am not new to TASA but have been inactive for a long time. I have had various tanks almost all my life....
PM sent
Thank you. Will try it out
Can you explain that concept to me? If you take "old" tank water and put it in a different container with filter, air stone and some circulation...
It could work, depends on what the problem is. Holding tanks + aged water does not guarantee it will be safe for tank usage.
Sorry to hear. Seems like we will have to go the RO route, even if it is expensive and wastes water, at least our fish will survive.
If the SHARKS and WP was SECOND rate, CHEETAHS and BULLS must be THIRD and FOURTH rate then. If they were better than the SHARKS and WP, why did...
+1 for experiment. I would like to see it over time
@Rory can you try and get more info on this app, or even a download link if possible. This is something that I would like to add to my house. My...
I think they are normally quickly frozen to preserve the nutrients. Not sure if normal freezing will work.
I am with Gert on this one. I would strip out tank fully and try and get to the source. I would not trust it as it is now.
Thanks a mil Gert. Tracyp, welcome to TASA.
I have seen a lot of bad things about microwave cooking and even using microwaved water on plants etc. Not sure how true that is, but I would not...
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