New Seels for Canister filters

Discussion in 'General Equipment discussion' started by Zippy320, Apr 12, 2020.

  1. Zippy320


    Jun 23, 2010
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    Durban South Africa
    Hi Guys ,

    So as per my other thread , Im in the process of redoing, cleaning , rescaping my main tank , I moved the few fish I had in that tank to a smaller tetra tank and they have bee living there , I used the Canister filter from the big tank in the small tank to provide some kind of filtration .

    Now , on the big tank , After filling it up , I noticed the water being a little cloudy as I changed over from Black gravel , to Pool filter sand .

    I have two spare canister filters , a Tetratec EX1200 ( the old model ) and a Hagen Elite crystal flow 60
    , decided to attach one of them so that they could aid the Jewel filter in clearing up the water .

    Started with the Tetratec and that leaked like a tap from the top hose area , and the side ( main seal )
    So drained it out , setup the Hagen Elite and for now it seems to be doing the job well , the tanks looking much better , but I have noticed a little dribble along one side . I have it in a bucket so im not to worried about it for now.

    Can I get replacement seals for both these filters? Id like to just refurbish and replace all the seals in both of them , Any Idea where I could buy them from ? I would prefer the originals from the manufacturer , I tried going the DIY route once by going to a seal manufacturer here in Durban for another filter and that didnt turn out to good and I dont want to go down that road again .

    Do the manufacturers sell a seal kit of some sort?


    Sorry , Heading should read new Seals , not Seels ( How do I correct this?)
    lionelk likes this.
  2. Guest

  3. A new day

    A new day Moderator

    Jun 13, 2019
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    Cape Town
    Could you try a thin layer of vasiline on the seals while we’re in lockdown?
    Zippy320 likes this.
  4. Riaan1984


    Mar 16, 2018
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    With the lockdown ita a tough one.
    The firts thing you need to do is establish where the leak is as there are a few seals.
    1. The main gassket between top and bottom parts
    2. The part where you connect the controll valve
    3. The actual valve.
    Ive had al leak on both my canister and ive replaced the main gasket on both and it wasnt that at all it ended up to be on dolpin c500 on the part where you connect the control valve
    And on the oceanson its was the control valve.
    On the dolpin the water came out by main gasket but it leaked into the covers. So my advice is you can try vasiline (did not work for me) but it would be best to try and order part from lfs and replace all the orings
    Zippy320 likes this.
  5. OP


    Jun 23, 2010
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    Durban South Africa
    Its ok , Thankfully these are the spare canister filters I have one from the Rio 300 ( which is using its internal filter ) , so I can fix them after the lock down , I have one working and non leaking Canister filter for the Vision 450 , worst if that starts to leak , The internal filter will have to do . Im very cautious of using any Petroleum based product on any seals , they tend to damage and eat them up in the long term .
    A new day likes this.
  6. Riaan1984


    Mar 16, 2018
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    Agreed petroleum jelly is purely a short term solution silicone spray also revives some orings but they collapse again after a while and also depending on material used for oring
    Zippy320 likes this.
  7. OP


    Jun 23, 2010
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    Durban South Africa
    Yup , its why I also advise my friends against putting the Jelly on their car door seals , notice how when you wipe them down , they tend to feel goooy and the black seal kind of rubs off on the cloth , its the breaking down of the rubber or foam seal . Best is to just use soap and water and keep the seal moist and wiped every time you wash the car . Never use chemicals on these parts . Even the dashboard , Soap and water , and a sun cover .

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