Decided to start this thread just for the fun. So yesterday morning around 12:30 I woke up and got a weird feeling to go check out the tanks. I walked into the living room and saw this little white circle stuck to the side of the tank. I quickly ran to my room to fetch my phone for a flashlight just to confirm my suspicions. I was correct, baby stingrays!!! I waited a while just to make sure the female didn’t have any more pups she wanted to drop, which she didn’t, and put them into their floating home and just sat there watching these 2 beauties. Unfortunately one turned out to have a kinked tail which after a little research I found is relatively common in first batches. Even though it is a deformity I find it pretty cool as my dog has a similar kink in her tail, also from birth. I just sat there watching these 2 lil circles floating in the tank till about 3am, despite me having school that day. Totally worth it!
Congratulations @Ruben Fitton .. Well done... Im so.. so proud of you!! When i sold you the first pup, my heart said i was doing the right thing.. my brain kept saying .. i hope you doing the right thing selling a stingray to a teenager at school.. Ruben, you amazing and i take my hat off to you for what you have achieved with the rays as well as in the hobby in general You have worked hard to achieve this and if anyone deserves this, you do All the best with them and enjoy this wonderful experience
Thank you [mention]MariaS [/mention], this really means a lot to me coming from you, as since I saw your buns in the oven thread about the days I was set on getting a ray and soon hopefully an Asian aro I can imagine you weren’t too sure about selling a ray to a teen (14 at the time) but I really do appreciate that you gave me the chance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The babies had their first food, didn’t want to eat till now, now they refusing to stop eating Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, a lot of joy, a lot of stress and a lot of frustration with these 2 lol But mostly joy to be honest Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@Ruben Fitton Is that pellets you have them on? If so, I think it will make feeding a lot easier if you start them on man made food I could never get my Rays to take pellets