Gosh can these rays eat... I feed 5x mussels and 1 big piece of prawn with squid tenticals in the morning and another 5x mussels , piece of hake with more prawns in evening and spoil time with some super worms now and then. Also give him some hakari sinking tablets. I'm so glad he eats almost anything.
Congratulations @Hooks!! Sorry, only saw the thread now, load shedding has been playing havoc with reception where i stay Very, very nice and you have done well so far Keep it up and it will bring you years of joy As for scapping.. there is no compromise with rays.. they win every time... They do like a piece of wood, if nothing else to move it around and they very agile and dont usually hurt themselves Tank size is not very big so i wouldnt put a big piece in so as to not take up space but one or two small pieces that he can play with is fine All best and keep the updates coming!!
I do agree on the tanks size and he does go explore every inch of it BT I'm keeping a eye out for bigger tank aswel. I'll try some smaller pieces of wood.
I know you looking for a bigger tank so didnt mean it that way.... My comment was honestly referring to a big piece of wood until you get a bigger tank For now, give him something to play with Some people even put a dog rubber gong as a toy for them Mine just play with the wood so i havent bothered with that but its amazing some do
Oh yes indeed. Its like he don't stop eating. BT water changes I do so 50℅ weekly and the ray don't mind at all as he use to my ways now and some times I think he just wants to play with me when I'm wiping the glass and so on.
@Reedfish Unfortunately not. And would be hard to find sub adult female in cape town aswel. The main reason I can't is my tank to small for 2 rays, and don't have grow up tank for pups or extra holding tank in case something should happen with a pair of rays. My pan is to get a 3meter tank with minimum 1.2meter wide BT still working on finances lol when I'll think of looking for female or just start fresh with small pair.
@Hooks , Its probably still going to take a little while, when its about to drop you will see the skin on top at the base of the old barb, start tearing and looking whitish Then keep a close eye and pick up the barb as soon as it comes off so he doesnt injure himself on it Always handle the barb from the base and not the tip and remember that the barb remains venomous up to a few months Either put it away safely in a container, if you going to collect them or be careful how you dispose of it so no one gets hurt As for adding a partner at a later stage, there should not be a problem Rays love company of their own kind and we have pups (13cm disc) with adult males and they do not harm the pups The male will only harass the female when he senses she has reached breeding maturity
@MariaS I'm gonna keep the barb in a jar. If im correct he lost 3 barbs already with Ian. BT amazing to see this things. Thanks so much for the great info.
Always a pleasure Haha I also keep all of mine Its fascinating to see them from a tiny 1cm to 8..9cm and more I thought I recognized it as Ian's ray, it's a very nice boy
Such a exciting guy for food....and nobody gets to his food even the aro is not getting any scraps lol.