Saw this Flowerhorn at the lfs Not really my sort of thing. Flowerhorns always remind me of the movie “Mars Attacks”
Lovely pattern. Also glad you brought this back! Tonnes of fish species are leaving the hobby, so it would be nice to see those rare ones that are still holding on !
stunning flowerhorn! Those are beautiful fish, but not lekker in the head . Really are a 1 fish per tank sorta pet.
There is a fantastic lfs about 25 mins from where I live. They used to get amazing oddballs and other rare fish - mainly wild caught But since Covid, their range has shrunk and prices gone up. Was chatting to the owner, and he was telling me that during Covid, a lot of his suppliers went out of business, and he hasn't been able to fill the gap yet. And the odd supplier that does still exist knows there is limited supply, so they increase the prices